TalVista for hiring managers

Hire the best fit for your team

You know what you’re looking for in a new hire. But how can you make sure your entire hiring team has the tools they need to help you make the right hiring decision? TalVista helps scale best practices for managing unconscious bias in the hiring process across your entire team.

Define the hiring criteria

Help recruiters and interviewers understand exactly what you’re looking for by identifying the key skills and values that a candidate needs in order to succeed in the role.

  1. Click New Job
  2. Enter a title for the job and get suggestions for skills and values that should guide the hiring process
  3. Click in one of the job suggestion columns to grab skills and values
  4. Click the X next to the skill or value to remove any unwanted ones, and type to add others


Create interview guides for your team

You’ve already set the role’s criteria. Now help your team ask the right questions so they consistently evaluate each candidate on the same criteria. This will ensure you get the structured feedback you need to make the right hiring decision.

First, click the round you’re setting up an interview for.

Now that you’ve given your team a clear list of what you’re looking for in a candidate, take that one step further by prioritizing the list.

  • Simply drag and drop to adjust the slider.
  • Click Save.



Now add the interview team. In the search box, enter the name of each interviewer and click on their name to add them.


(If the interviewer’s name is not suggested, click Create a new interviewer. You can add interviewers that don’t have TalVista access yet, all you need is their name and email address. When you add them, the person will receive an email to set up an account.)


Check the box for a skill or value to assign it to each interviewer and click Save.


On the right side, you’ll see the skills and values selected for the role at the beginning of the process. You’ll see suggested interview questions for most skills and values. You can also add your own questions by clicking on add your own questionTo assign a question to an interviewer, click on the question and then click on the interviewer’s name. You can assign interviewers different skills and values to ask and evaluate.

You can click an interviewer’s name in the “Add interviewers” panel to review the list of their assigned questions.

Managing candidates and resumes

You can add candidates and resumes in the main job dashboard.

  • From the job dashboard, drag a PDF or Word doc resume into the upload field (You can add several files at once)
  • Watch the uploads progress
  • If any uploads fail, you’ll be prompted to correct the required fields (first and last name, email)

As resumes are made available in the system, job Owners and Reviewers can review them.

Rank resume categories in order of importance

  • Drag and drop each category to arrange them in order of highest to lowest importance
  • (This weighting system will influence the candidate’s overall rating)
  • Weighting categories ahead of time helps you make your decision based on the criteria you said is most important during resume review
  • You can click skip on any categories you don’t wish to review

Resume categories


Rate each resume

  • Now you’ll be shown each resume one at a time.
  • Each resume has the candidate’s identity removed.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to assess each resume on the same categories you ordered on the previous page.
  • Give a section a “Yes,” “Maybe,” or “No” to answer whether you’d like to advance someone to the next round based on that section.

Anonymous resume


Review the final scores

After the final resume is scored, click Done reviewing to display the candidates’ full information and get their aggregate score. This score is the composite of your rating of each resume content section and the weighting you assigned that section before starting your review.


You can slate each candidate for an interview round by checking their box on the job dashboard.